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New Health knows the ins and outs of the health market as none other. We live the day-to-day of health care professionals and have an in-depth understanding of the pharmaceutical industry. For this reason, we know precisely how to service your needs, planning and developing strategies in several modalities of technical and scientific activities.

We idealize and execute projects in medical education, marketing and consultancy, bringing together professionals with a commitment with quality, executing innovative solutions, permanently with a focus on enhancing the clinical practices through knowledge.

pessoas traçando estratégias
Bob Mendonça


bob medonça


Upon founding New Health, Bob Mendonça was already active in the health care field for over  25 years. An experience which includes projects with the most diverse medical specializations in different executive positions in the pharmaceutical industry, accruing a broad network of professionals in his contacts. Because of this, Bob created New Health with his own DNA: an expeditious company, with customized solutions, that connects people that understand about medical education and the health market as none other.


Board Científio

Our board counts upon the most diverse medical specializations and cooperates in the planning and the execution of activities, which grants the best scientific foundation for the solutions set forth by New Health. The coming together of this national and international group is the result of Bob Mendonça´s networking in over 25 years acting in the health care field.

board científico na reunião
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